[IHJ Artists’ Forum/Artist Talk]
Matter and an Experimental Mindset

This event now concluded.

  • Tuesday, September 17, 2019 7:00 pm

  • Venue: Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall, International House of Japan
  • Artist: Brian Anderson (Industrial Designer; US-Japan Creative Artists Program Fellow)
  • Language: English (with consecutive interpretation)
  • Co-sponsored by the Japan-US Friendship Commission (JUSFC) 
  • Admission: Free (reservations required)

Recent narratives around fabrication and production reflect societal aspirations and fears. On the one hand, additive manufacturing and distributed manufacture promise to simplify logistics and localize production in empowering ways. On the other hand, we are reminded almost daily of the general wastefulness of inherited production practices and of our limited ability to re-circulate what we don’t or can’t use personally.

It is increasingly prevalent that designers reconceive industrial waste as raw material, experiment with existing natural resources and less seemly biological and mineral byproducts, harness biology, and foster the production and sharing of knowledge and opportunities for co-creation. Today’s designers seek to change the relationships people have with materials. While many citizens may feel a lack of agency or the knowledge it requires to respond with such ethical impulses, designers and artists are uniquely positioned to respond optimistically, pragmatically, and experimentally.

Brian Anderson is an academic industrial designer, based at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His work centers on the history, nature, and structure of making from the scale of artisan and craftsman to that of small factories. In his talk Anderson will present several outcomes of the manipulation of matter in the context of design.