[Webinar Series 2023: Leaders Shaping the Indo-Pacific]
#3 Protecting Children from Abuse and Violence through Closer Collaboration

  • Speaker: Bernadette J. Madrid (Head of Child Protection Unit, University of the Philippines)
  • Moderator: Kanae Doi (Lawyer/ Japan Representative of Human Rights Watch)
  • Language: English with Japanese subtitles
  • Release Date: March 30, 2023
  • Organizer: International House of Japan
  • Collaboration: Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation

Statistical studies show that more than 60% of Asian children are victims of physical, sexual, or emotional violence and abuse annually, regardless of poverty or income. The long-term negative effects of this violence on children as adults can be devastating, and it is critical that efforts are made across sectors, industries, and national borders to reduce the number of children affected. Pediatrician Bernadette J. Madrid, has been working to eliminate the division of roles and to create closer collaboration to save more children. We will hear about her current activities and vision, and consider what each of us can do to help.

Archive Video

Dr. Bernadette J. MadridDr. Bernadette J. Madrid is the Executive Director of the Child Protection Network Foundation, Inc., an NGO that supports the establishment of Women and Children Protection Units across the country. She co-chaired the World Health Organization Clinical Guidelines Committee on the Health Response to Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents and the WHO Committee on Responding to Child Maltreatment. She is the recipient several national and international awards, such as being named the Outstanding Pediatrician for 2021 by the Philippine Pediatric Society and, most recently, the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2022.

Kanae DoiMs. Kanae Doi works to encourage the Japanese Government to prioritize human rights in its foreign and domestic policies and practices. She also works on media outreach and the development of Human Rights Watch’s profile in Japan. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch in 2006, she worked as a practicing attorney, based in Tokyo. Her practice included refugee law, immigration law, constitutional law and criminal defense, and she frequently gave media interviews and published on these issues in the Japanese press from the perspective of international human rights law.


*The webinar series Leaders Shaping the Future of the Indo-Pacificseeks to introduce new leaders, ideas and initiatives that will shape the Indo-Pacific region in the coming years.