Application Form for Membership

Application for Membership can be sent either by post mail, by e-mail or by using the online form below. The application should have recommendations from two current House Members.When using this online form, please ask those two members to submit their recommendation statements to member(at) (please replace (at) with @), from their e-mail addresses registered with the I-House.

The Membership Department will revert to you within one month after the application and recommendation statements are duly received.

    Please read our privacy policy and understand that the personal information included in your inquiry will be handled with care in accordance with this policy.

    E-mail address for contact (mandatory)

    Category of contact e-mail address


    Back-up e-mail address

    Category of back-up e-mail address

    HomeOfficeNot to register

    Last name (mandatory)

    First name (mandatory)

    Middle name

    Last name (Japanese)

    First name (Japanese)

    Gender (mandatory)


    Title (mandatory)


    Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) (mandatory)

    Nationality (mandatory)

    Name of spouse/partner (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)

    Contact information

    Home address

    Home phone

    Private mobile phone



    Job title

    Office address


    Office phone

    Office mobile phone

    Billing address (mandatory)


    Mailing address (mandatory)


    Monthly E-News to be sent to: (mandatory)


    Membership Category (mandatory)

    Resident in JapanNon-resident in Japan

    Initial donation Amount (Please select the donation amount for the category selected above)

    Resident in Japan

    Non-resident in Japan

    Name if one of your family/relatives is a member of I-House and relationship to the applicant



    Professional Experience, Associations and Accomplishments, etc.

    Reason for applying for membership, including any contributions you can make as a member and any expectations regarding the I-House and its activities(mandatory)

    Name of member who support your application (Primary)

    Name of member who support your application (Secondary)

    Kindly note that we may contact the recommenders in the unlikely event that the nominee violates membership bylaws or behaves in a manner unbecoming a member.

    This website uses reCAPTCHA, a free security service provided by Google, to protect our contact forms from spam and abuse. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact us by phone.


    Membership Department
    International House of Japan
    5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    TEL: 81-3-3470-9115 (Mon.-Fri., 9:00 am-5:00 pm)
    FAX: 81-3-3470-3170
    E-mail: member(at) (please replace (at) with @)