IHJ Members’ Data – Form for Update

    Please read our privacy policy and understand that the personal information included in your request will be handled with care in accordance with this policy.

    IHJ Members' Data—Request Form for Registration and/or Update
    (for Individual Members and Term Members)

    You are requested to register your e-mail address, so that I-House can send you information on activities and facilities in a timely manner. Please submit it to us, using the form below. Please use the same form to notify us of any change of your information such as address, workplace, etc. For your reference, some of your information registered in our database will be displayed on the notice for annual dues.

    Please fill in the necessary information and click the "Send" button.



    Membership Department, International House of Japan


    Membership No.





    E-mail address


    *Please refrain from registering the e-mail address of a cell phone or free email account (eg. Hotmail, Gmail), as some important notices might not reach you because of spam filters.

    Registration/Update(Please choose from the pulldown list for the items to be changed, and fill out the latest information.)


    This website uses reCAPTCHA, a free security service provided by Google, to protect our contact forms from spam and abuse. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact us by phone.


    Membership Department
    International House of Japan
    5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    TEL: 03-3470-9115 (Mon.-Fri., 9:00 am-5:00 pm)
    FAX: 03-3470-3170