写真: 建物の保存再生 Preservation and Restoration



A large-scale renovation including reinforcement of earthquake resistance took place in 2005. It was completed in 2006 without damaging the appearance of the building or the harmony of building and garden. This renovation approach has been highly evaluated in terms of preserving postwar architectural masterpieces in Japan. The International House of Japan was awarded the 2007 Architectural Institute of Japan Prize (Specific Contributions Division) and a Good Design Award for 2007 (Architecture and Environment Design Division) of the Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

Pictures taken during the construction are shown below.

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Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall 岩崎小彌太記念ホール
Scene of the construction of the Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall. The Kabayama Room on the stone deck is being pulled down; the stone deck was removed to create an airy, two-story high space. 岩崎小彌太ホール増築工事の様子(石垣の上にあった樺山ルームを壊している)。石垣を取り払い、吹き抜けの2層構造に。
Construction of the Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall ホール増築工事
Construction of the Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall ホール増築工事
Construction of the Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall ホール増築工事
Construction of the Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall ホール増築工事
Construction of the Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall ホール増築工事
The basement Hall was constructed without removing the second and the third floors, by sustaining them with two beams ("Underpinning Method"). GPS was used to adjust the horizontal position of the upper floors. 建物の2・3階を梁で支えながら下部を解体し、ホールの躯体工事を実施(アンダーピニング工法)。掘り進めている間に2・3階部分の位置変化をGPS距離計で確認し、調整しながら施工。
Stone wall 崩れ石積み
For the construction, parts of the stone wall was temporarily removed from the left side of the entrance. 工事のため、入り口から向かって左側の崩れ石積みの一部を移動。
Stone wall 崩れ石積み
Stones were numbered in order to be returned to their original place. 石積みを再現するためにひとつひとつ番号を振る。
The drained pond 水が抜かれた池
During the construction, the pond was drained for the works to re-arrange the electric and drain facilities. At that time, carps were relocated to a pond which was temporarily made in other place. 工事期間中、電気・排水設備の移設のため、池の水を抜き、池の鯉は別の場所の小さな池に避難。