Back issues of the journals with an asterisk are available for loaning.
随時更新 / Frequently Updated (2025/01/15)
Title | In Library | Location |
A | ||
*A+U : architecture and urbanism : 建築と都市 | 1 year | E下, 24 |
Acta Asiatica: Bulletin of the Inst. of Eastern Culture | no.1, 1960- | H-3, Office |
Acta Orientalia | v.48, 1987-v.71, 2010 | D-2, Office |
AJALT (Association for Japanese Language Teaching) アジャルト |
no.2, 1979- | E-3, D下 |
Ajia Bunka Kenkyu アジア文化研究 |
no.1, 1958- | D-4, 10下 |
Ajia Bunka Kenkyu Besattu アジア文化研究別冊 |
no.1, 1990- | D-4, 10下 |
*Ajia Jiho アジア時報 |
1 year | D-1 |
Ajibi News あじびニュース |
Current Issue | B-6 |
American Anthropologist. Memoir | no.74, 1953 – no. 96, 1963 | 12下 |
Amerika Kanada Daigaku Rengo Nihon Kenkyu Senta Kiyo アメリカ・カナダ大学連合日本研究センター紀要 (available at:http://www.iucjapan.org/html/journal_j.html) |
no.2, 1979-no.34, 2011 | 10下 |
*Amerika Kenkyu (The American Review) アメリカ研究 |
10 years | C-2, 15下 |
Andon: shedding light on Japanese art :bulletin of the Society for Japanese Arts and Crafts 行灯 |
no.90, 2011- | I-1 |
Annals of the Institute of Social Science (Univ. of Tokyo) (title changed to: Social Science Japan Journal) |
no.1, 1953-no.37, 1996 | 29 |
Annual Report (国際文化会館) | v.2, 1957-v.63, 2018 | 会館出版物 |
Approach | Current Issue | B-6 |
Area Development in Japan | no.2, 1969-no8, 1974 | 6下 |
Art Catalog Library Newsletter | no.1, 1996-no.3, 1998 | B下 |
*Arts of Asia | 3 years | B-5, 22 |
*ASEAN Focus | 1 year | D-5 |
Asia Pacific Community | no.1, 1978-no.31, 1986 | 5下 |
Asia Policy Calendar (formerly: Japan Washington Watch A) |
1 year | E下 |
Asian Affairs (Ajia Kyokai) | v.1, 1956-v.6, 1961 | 7下 |
Asian Affairs: Journal of the Royal Society of Asian Affairs | v.9, 1978-v.53, 2022 | G-3, 10下 |
Asian and Pacific Quarterly (title changed to: Asian Pacific Quarterly) |
v.7 no.2, 1975-v.24 no.1, 1992 | 6下 |
Asian Art (title changed to: Asian Art & Culture) |
v.2 no.1, 1989-v.5 no.3, 1992 | 12下 |
Asian Art & Culture (formerly: Asian Art) |
v.7 no.1, 1994-v.9 no.3, 1996 | 12下 |
Asian Book Development Newsletter (title changed to: Asian/Pacific Book Development Newsletter) |
v.10 no.2, 1978-v.17 no.4, 1987 | H-3 |
Asian Culture (title changed to: Asian Pacific Culture) |
no.20, 1978-no.40, 1987 | 7上 |
Asian Ethnology (formerly: Asian Folklore Studies) (available at: https://asianethnology.org/volumes) |
v. 67, 2008-v.76, 2017 | H-4 |
Asian Exchange | v.7, 1990-v.22 no.1, 2006 | G-2, 5下 |
Asian Folklore Studies (title changed to: Asian Ethnology) |
v.41, 1982-v.66, 2007 | 5下 |
Asian Journal of Environmental Management | v.1 no.2, 1993-v.6 no.2, 1998 | 7上 |
Asian Music | v.4 no.2, 1973- | H-4, J上 |
Asian/Pacific Book Development Newsletter (title changed to: Asian Pacific Book Development: ABD) |
v.19 no.4, 1989 | H-3 |
Asian/Pacific Book Development: ABD (formerly: Asian Pacific Book Development Newsletter) |
v.20 no.3, 1989-v.34 no.2, 2004 | H-3 |
Asian Pacific Culture (formerly: Asian Culture) |
no.41, 1988-no.49, 1995 | 7上 |
Asian Pacific Quarterly (formerly: Asian and Pacific Quarterly) |
v.25 no.1, 1993-v.26 no.4, 1994 | 6下 |
Asian Research Trends | no.1, 1991-no.13, 2003 | 5下 |
*Asian Research Trends. New Series (formerly: East Asian Cultural Studies) |
5 years | D-2 |
Asian Studies Newsletter | v.35 no.2, 1990-v.58 no.4, 2013 | Office |
Asian Survey (formerly: Far Eastern Survey) |
v.1, 1961- | G-4, G下, Office, 閲覧室奥 |
Asian Theatre Journal | v.1, 1984-v. 41, 2024 | H-4, 15下, B上 |
Asian Women’s Liberation アジアと女性解放 |
no.1, 1977, no.2, 1980, no.7, 1986-no.9, 1992 | E下 |
Asiatica Venetiana | v.1, 1996-v.10/11, 2009 | D-6 |
Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde = Études Asiatiques : revue de la Société Suisse d’Études Asiatiques |
1947-1975 | 13下 |
Association of Teachers of Japanese: Membership Directory | 1997-2000, 2003-2006 | Office |
*Asuteion アステイオン |
3 years | J-1, D下 |
*Atlantic | 1 year | J-3 |
B | ||
Boei Gijutsu Janaru 防衛技術ジャーナル |
Current Issue | C-3 |
Boletin de la Asociacion de estudios japoneses en Espana (title changed to: Kaname) |
No.1, 1995 | I-3 |
Broadcasting Culture and Research | no.1, 1997-no.19, 2002 | 7上 |
Bulletin de l’Association des Français du Japon: Nouvelle série | no.1, 1976-no.18, 1981/82 | 7下 |
Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars (title changed to: Critical Asian Studies) |
v.2 no.3, 1970-v.32 no.4, 2000 | 22 |
Bulletin of the European Association for Japanese Studies | no.19, 1983-no.89, 2024 | Office |
Bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art | v.1, 1933-v.6, 1963; v.7, Index | 12下 |
*Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture | 5 years | E-5, E下 |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies | v.16, 1954-v,85, 2022 | G-2, H上, 閲覧室奥 |
*Bungei Shunju 文芸春秋 |
1 year | J-1 |
Bunraku | 1966-1997 | 11下 |
C | ||
CGP Newsletter | v.1, 1993-v.30, 2002 | A下 |
Chanoyu Quarterly: Tea and the Arts of Japan | no.1, 1970-no.88, 1999 | Office |
Child Welfare (title changed to: Child Welfare: Information from Japan) |
v.6 no.3, 1986-v.17 no.4, 1997 | E下 |
Child Welfare: information from Japan (formerly: Child Welfare) |
no.1, 2000-no.9, 2006 | E下 |
China Quarterly | no.1, 1965-no.232, 2017 | H-1, A上, B上 |
Ch’ing-shih Wen-t’i (title changed to: Late Imperial China) |
v.1 no.2, 1965-v.4, no.9, 1983 | 16下 |
Choiki Bunka Kagaku Kiyo 超域文化科学紀要 |
Current Issue | B-7 |
*Chosa Shiryo 調査資料(国立国会図書館) |
6 months | A-7 |
Chuo Gakujutsu Kenkyujo Kiyo 中央学術研究所紀要 |
Current Issue | D-4 |
*Chuo Koron 中央公論 |
1 year | J-1 |
Cipango | no.8, 2000-no.18, 2011 | I-3 |
Cipangu (title changed to: Giappone) |
no.3, 1956, no.5-6, 1957 | 16下 |
Committee on East Asian Libraries Bulletin (title change to: Journal of East Asian Libraries) |
no.62, 1980-no.106, 1995 | G上 |
Concerned Theater Japan | v.1, 1969-v.2, 1973 | 7下 |
Contemporary Japan(German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo) | v.22 no.1, 2010- | I-1 |
Contemporary Japan(外事協会) | v.1 no. 4, 1933 – v.29 no. 2, 1970 | 7下 |
Contemporary Religions in Japan | v.1, 1960-v.11, 1970 | 7下 |
Correspondence: an International Review of Culture and Society | no.4, 1999-no.10, 2002/2003 | 27 |
Critical Asian Studies (formerly: Bulletin of Concerned Asian Studies) |
v.33 no.1, 2001-v.54 no.4, 2024 | G-1, E上 |
Crossroads: a Journal of Nagasaki History and Culture | no.1, 1993-no.5, 1997 | E下 |
Current Politics and Economics of Asia (formerly: Current Politics and Economics of Japan) |
v.6, no.1/2, 1998-v.16 no.1, 2007 | G-2, E上 |
Current Politics and Economics of Japan (title changed to: Current Politics and Economics of Asia) |
v.1 no.1, 1991-v.5 no.1/2, 1997 | G-2, E上 |
D | ||
Daiwa Nichiei Kikin Nenji Hokokusho 大和日英基金年次報告書 |
Current Issue | A-2 |
Daruma: Japanese art, antiques & handicrafts = 達磨 | v.15 no.3, 2008-v.18 no.2, 2011 | 12下 |
*Densho (formerly: Center for Japanese Studies: Newsletter ) |
3 years | A-5 |
Dentsu Japan Marketing/Advertising Yearbook | 1985-1990 | H下, 301.24||D||R |
Dentsu’s Japan Marketing Advertising | no.15, 1979-no.23, 1983; v.2 no.2, 1984-v.3 no.2, 1985 | 29 |
DIJ Newsletter | no.1, 1997-no.59, 2019 | A下 |
Doctoral Dissertations on Asia | v.3, 1980-v.16, 1993 | 7上 |
Doctoral Dissertations on Japan and Korea | 1969-1974 | Office |
E | ||
EAJRS Newsletter | no.1, 1990-no.25, 2014 | Office |
Early Modern Japan (available at: https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/handle/1811/583) |
v.7 no.1, 1998; v.8, 2000-v.12 no.2, 2004 | Office |
East | v.10, 1974-v.44 no.1, 2008 | Office |
East Asia: an International Quarterly (formerly: Journal of Northeast Asian Studies) |
v.17, 1999- | H-2, B上 |
East Asian Cultural Studies | v.18, 1979-v.29, 1990 | 7上 |
East Asian History | no.1, 1991-no.36, 2008 | 12下 |
East Asian Library Resources Group of Australia Newsletter (available at: http://www.alra.org.au/newsletter_26-50.html) |
no.27, 1994-no.46, 2004 | Office |
Eastern Buddhist: New Series | v.1, 1965-v.49, 2018 | Office |
Eastern Buddhist: Third Series | v.1 no.1, 2021- | I-4, Office |
East-West Film Journal | v.4, 1989-v.8, 1994 | 13下 |
Ebisu: Etudes Japonaises (available at: http://www.mfj.gr.jp/publications/ebisu/index_ja.php) |
no.1, 1993-no.52, 2015 | 14下 |
*Economist | 1 year | J-2 |
Economy, Culture & History Japan Spotlight Bimonthly (formerly: Journal of Japanese Trade and Industry) |
v.23 no.2, 2004-v.44 no.6, 2009 | Office |
Education About Asia (available at: https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/) |
v.1, no.1, 1996-v.28, no.2, 2023 | G-4 |
Education in Japan: Journal for Overseas | v.1, 1966-v.9, 1979 | 7上, 370.952||H |
Estudos Japoneses: Revista do Centro de Estudos Japoneses da Universidade de São Paulo | no.3, 1983-no.16, 1996 | 7上 |
Etorandyute エトランデュテ = Étrangeté: 在日本法律家協会会報 |
Current Issue | C-2 |
Euro-Japanese Journal | v.5 no.1, 1998-v.8 no.2, 2002 | I-3 |
*European Journal of East Asian Studies | 3 years | G-2 |
F | ||
Far Eastern Affairs: A Russian Journal of China, Japan and Asia-Pacific Region | v.1, 1982, v.30, 2002-v.50, 2022 | H-3 |
Far Eastern Quarterly | v.13, 1953-v.15, 1955 | 閲覧室奥 |
Focus on Asian Studies | v.4 no.1, 1984-v.7, no.1, 1987 | Office |
*Foreign Affairs | 10 years | F-4, G上 |
*Foreign Affairs Journal | 10 years | C-2, 15下 |
*Foreign Policy | 5 years | F-4 |
France-Asie (Ass. pour une Meilleure Connaisance de l’Asie) |
no.87, 1953-no.205, 1974 | 19 |
Fujin Kyoiku Joho 婦人教育情報 (title changed to: WINET Joho WINET情報) |
no.1, 1979-no.34, 1998 | E下 |
Fukuoka UNESCO | v.1, 1964-v.48, 2012 | 7上 |
G | ||
Gaidai Bibliotheca | Current Issue | Office |
*Gaiko 外交 |
1 year | J-2 |
Garden Path | 1 year | B-4 |
*Geijutsu Shincho 芸術新潮 |
1 year | B-3 |
Gendai no Toshokan 現代の図書館 |
3 years | Office |
Giappone (formerly: Cipangu) | v.1, 1961-v.42, 2002 | 16下 |
Global communication studies = グローバル・コミュニケーション研究 | Current Issue | C-1 |
H | ||
*Haiku International | 5 years | B-1 |
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies | v.17, 1954- | H-3, 20 |
Higashi Ajia Kenkyu 東アジア研究 = East Asian Studies |
Current Issue | D-2 |
Hikaku Media Josei Bunka Kenkyu 比較メディア・女性文化研究 |
1 year | C-3 |
Hiroshima Daigaku Heiwa Senta Nyusureta 広島大学平和センターニュースレター |
Current Issue | A-3 |
Hiroshima Heiwa Kagaku 広島平和科学 |
no.2, 1978/79, no.7, 1984- | C-1, 15下 |
Hoso Kenkyu to Chosa 放送研究と調査 |
Current Issue | C-5 |
Hoso Media Kenkyu 放送メディア研究 |
Current Issue | C-1 |
I | ||
IATSS Research (available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/iatss-research/issues) |
v.1, 1977-v.33, 2009 | 21 |
Ibunka Komyunikeshon 異文化コミュニケーション |
no.1, 1997- | C-1, 28 |
Ibunka-kan Kyoiku 異文化間教育 |
no.1, 1987- | C-1, 28 |
ICONICS (available at: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/iconics/list/-char/ja) |
v.1, 1987-v.10, 2010 | B下 |
ICU Language Research Bulletin (available at: https://sites.google.com/a/info.icu.ac.jp/lrb/) |
v.1, 1986-v.22, 2007 | C下 |
IHJ Bulletin (International House of Japan Bulletin) | v.1 no.1, 1981-v.33 no.2, 2013 | A下 |
I-House Quarterly | no.1, 2014-no.21, 2019 | A下 |
IIAS Newsletter | 3 years | A-6, Office |
IIC Occasional Publication (India International Center) | Current Issue | F-2 |
*IIC Quarterly | 3 years | F-2 |
Iichiko (季刊) | no.65, 2000- | J-4, 4下 |
Iichiko Intercultural | no.1, 1989-no.9, 1997 | 4下 |
Impressions | no.19, 1997-no.20, 1998; no.26, 2004- | I-1, 26 |
Industrial Review of Japan | 1980-1984 | 29 |
Insight Japan | v.5, no.3, 1996-v.11 no.4, 2003 | F-4 |
*International Journal of Asian Studies | 5 years | H-1 |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations | v.8 no.1, 1984-v.27 no.1, 2003 | G上 |
International Journal of Japanese Sociology (IJJS) | no.1, 1992-no.30, 2021 | E-2, 9下 |
International Peace Research Newsletter | v.21 no.1, 1983-v.39 no.2/3, 2001 | F上 |
International Tanka | Current Issue | B-1 |
J | ||
JA: Japan Architect | no.1, 1991-no.118, 2020 | E下, 24 |
Japan Access | v.1, 1990-v.3, 1992 | Office |
Japan Aktuell: Wirtshaft Politik Gesellschaft (formerly: Japan: Wirtschaft Politik Gesellschaft) |
v.6 no.1, 1998-v.16 no.3, 2008 | B上, I-3 |
Japan Anthropology Workshop Newsletter (available at: https://japananthropologyworkshop.org/publicationsandprojects/newsletter/) |
no.21, 1991-no.43, 2008 | I-4 |
Japan Architect | no.321, 1984-no.402, 1990 | 23 |
Japan Christian Quarterly (title changed to: Japan Christian Review) |
v.22, 1956-v.57, 1991 | 6下 |
Japan Christian Review (formerly: Japan Christian Quarterly) |
v.58, 1992-v.64, 1998 | 6下 |
Japan Computer Quarterly (title changed to: JIPDEC Informatization Quarterly) |
no.78, 1989-no.93, 1993 | I-2 |
Japan Currents | v.1, 1997-v.12, 1997 | 7上 |
Japan Digest | v.1, 1990-v.2, 1992 | 7上 |
Japan Echo | v.1, 1974-v.37 no.2, 2010 | Office, 4下 |
Japan Economic Yearbook | 1956-1971 | 11下 |
Japan Eco Times | v.1 no.3, 1992-v.2 No.1, 1993; v.1 no.1-8, 1995 | 9下 |
Japan Environment Monitor | no.78, 1995-no.100, 1998 | 7上 |
Japan Forum | v.1, 1989- | Office |
Japan Foundation Newsletter | v.1 no.1, 1973-v.31 no.4, 2006 | A下 |
Japan, Graphic Arts | v.30, 1989-v.33, 1992 | 9下 |
Japan Interpreter (formerly: Journal of Social and Political Ideas in Japan) |
v.7, 1970-v.13 no.1, 1980 | 14下 |
Japan Labor Bulletin | v.19 no.8, Aug. 1980-v.42 no.9, Sep. 2003 | 21 |
Japan … Marketing and Advertising Yearbook | 1991-2001 | H下, 301.24||D||R |
Japan PEN News | 1958-1971 | Office |
Japan Political Research (formerly: Newsletter of Research on Japanese Politics) |
v.21, 1990-v.32, 2001 | I-2 |
Japan Quarterly | v.1, 1954-v.48, 2001 | Office, 1下 |
Japan Queries & Answers | no.1, 1954-no.29, 1964 | 12下 |
Japan Related 相互理解 |
v.1, 1993-v.2, 1994; no.10, 1995-no.12, 1995 | 6下 |
Japan Review (Nichibunken Japan Review) | no.1, 1990- | Office |
Japan Review of International Affairs | v.1, 1987-v.18 no.1, 2004 | Office |
Japan Society Proceedings (London) | no.119, 1992- | A-2, 15下 |
Japan Society Review: Book, Stage, Movie, Arts and Events Review | Current Issue | A-2 |
Japan Views | v.2, 1992-v.4 no.12, 1994; special iss., 1995 | 13下 |
Japan Views Quarterly | v.1, 1992-v.2, 1993 | 13下 |
Japan: Wirtschaft Politik Geselleschaft (title changed to: Japan Aktuell: Wirtshaft Politik Gesellschaft) |
v.1 no.1, 1993-v.5 no.6, 1997 | B上 |
Japanese Book News | no.1, 1993-no.89, 2016 | E-5 |
Japanese Economic Studies (title changed to: Japanese Economy) |
v.1, 1972-v.24, 1996 | Office |
Japanese Economy (title changed to: Japanese Political Economy) |
v.25, 1997-v.39, 2013 | Office |
*Japanese Journal of American Studies | 10 years | E-2, 15下 |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies (formerly: Contemporary Religions in Japan) (available at: https://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/journal/6) |
v.1, 1974-v.43, 2016 | F-1, 8上 |
Japanese Journal of Sociology (JJS) (formerly: International Journal of Japanese Sociology ) |
v.32 iss.1, 2023- | E-2, 9下 |
Japanese Language and Literature (formerly: Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese) (available at: https://jll.pitt.edu/ojs/JLL/) |
v.35, 2001-v.52, 2018 | Office |
Japanese Literature Today | no.1, 1976-no.27, 2010 | Office |
Japanese Magazine Review (formerly: Summaries of Selected Japanese Magazines) |
Oct. 1993-March, 1999 | 26 |
Japanese Philately | Current Issue | B-6 |
Japanese Political Economy (formerly: Japanese Economy) |
v.40, 2014-v.41, 2015 | Office |
Japanese Religions | v. 21 no.1-2, 1996; v.21 no.2, v.31 no.2, 2006- | H-4 |
Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology | v.1, 1998- | I-3 |
Japanese Student | no.37, 1959-no.50, 1962 | 6下 |
Japanese Studies: Bulletin of Japanese Studies Association of Australia | v.12 no.3, 1992- | I-1 |
*Japanese Yearbook of International Law (formerly: Japanese Annual of International Law) |
10 years | 327.52||J |
JEI Report (Japan Economic Institute of America) |
1987-1999 | 27 |
JIPDEC Informatization Quarterly (JIQ) (formerly: Japan Computer Quarterly) |
no.94, 1993-no.132, 2003 | I-2 |
JOINT ジョイント(トヨタ財団広報誌) |
Current Issue | A-3 |
Journal Asiatique | v.243, 1955-v.259 no.3-4, 1971 | 7下 |
Journal of American – East Asian Relations | v.1 no.2, 1992- | G-2, E上 |
Journal of Asian Studies | v.16, 1953- | G-3, G下, 3下, 閲覧室奥 |
Journal of East Asian Libraries (formerly: Committee on East Asian Libraries Bulletin) |
no.107, 1995-no.159, 2014 | G-1 |
*Journal of East Asian Studies (East Asia Institute) |
3 years | H-2 |
Journal of East Asiatic Studies (The University of Manila) |
v.3 no.3, 1954-v.9 no.4, 1960 | 29下 |
Journal of International Political Economy | v.1 no.1, 1996-v.2 no.1, 1998 | Office |
Journal of International Studies | v.2, 1985-v.8, 1992 | 6下 |
Journal of Japanese Linguistics (formerly: Papers in Japanese Linguistics) |
v.12, 1990-v.36, 2020 | I-4 |
Journal of Japanese Studies | v.1, 1974- | Office |
Journal of Japanese Trade and Industry (title changed to: Economy, Culture and History: Japan Spotlight Bimonthly) |
v.1 no.1, 1982-v.22 no.5, 2003 | Office |
Journal of Northeast Asian Studies (title changed to: East Asia: an International Quarterly) |
v.1 no.1, 1982-v.15 no.4, 1996 | B上 |
Journal of Social and Political Ideas in Japan (title changed to: Japan Interpreter) |
v.1, 1963-v.5, 1967 | 14下 |
Journal of the American Oriental Society | v.76, 1956-v.128 no.4, 2008 | C上, D上 |
Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese (title changed to: Japanese Language and Literature) |
v.10, 1975-v.34, 2000 | Office, 4下 |
Journal of the Japan-Netherlands Institute | v.1, 1989-v.10, 2010 | E下 |
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies | v.1, 1987-v.38, 2015 | Office |
*Jutaku Tokushu 住宅特集 |
1 year | E下, 24 |
K | ||
Kagami | v.2 no.4, 1963-v.6 no.3, 1968 | 19 |
Kagami: Neue Folge | v.1 no.2, 1974-v.4 no.1, 1977 | 19 |
Kaiko no Hiroba 開港のひろば |
Current Issue | A-7 |
Kaname (formerly: Boletín de la Asociación de Estudios Japoneses de España) かなめ |
no.2, 1995-Special iss., 1997 | I-3 |
*Kankyo to Kogai 環境と公害 |
2 years | C-7 |
KBS Bulletin on Japanese Culture | no.17, 1956-no.115, 1972 | 22 |
Keidanren Review of Japanese Economy | no.106, 1987-no.150, 1995 | 29 |
Kokuritsu Gekijo Bunraku Koen 国立劇場文楽公演 |
Current Issue | B-2 |
Kokuritsu Gekijo Kabuki Koen 国立劇場歌舞伎公演 |
Current Issue | B-2 |
Kokuritsu Gekijo Shimpa Koen 国立劇場新派公演 |
Current Issue | B-2 |
Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan Geppo 国立国会図書館月報 |
3 years | Office |
Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan Nempo 国立国会図書館年報 |
Current Issue | Office |
Kokuritsu Seiyo Bijutsukanho 国立西洋美術館報 |
Current Issue | A-6 |
Kokuritsu Seiyo Bijutsukan Kenkyu Kiyo 国立西洋美術館研究紀要 |
Current Issue | A-5 |
Kokusai Bukkyogaku Daigakuin Daigaku Kenkyu Kiyo 国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要 |
Current Issue | B-7 |
Kokusai Bunka Kaikan Kaiho 国際文化会館会報 |
v.1 no.1, 1990-v.24 no.2, 2013 | A下 |
Kokusai Bunka Kaikan no Ayumi 国際文化会館の歩み |
v.1, 1955-v.63, 2018 | 会館出版物 |
Kokusai Koryu Kikin Nempo 国際交流基金年報 |
Current Issue | A-5 |
Koku to Bunka 航空と文化 |
Current Issue | B-2 |
L | ||
La Lettre de la Bibliothèque | Current Issue | A-4 |
Late Imperial China (formerly: Ch’ing-shih Wen-t’i) | v.6, 1985-v.14 no.2, 1993 | 14下 |
Literature East & West | v.9 no.2, 1965-v.21 no.4, 1977 | 7上 |
Local Government Review in Japan | no.4, 1976-no. 33, 2005 | 6下 |
M | ||
*Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, the Oriental Library | no.5, 1930- | D-3, 8下 |
*MERI’s Monthly Circular | 3 years | C-6 |
Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter | Current Issue | A-7 |
Modern Asian Studies | v.1, 1967-v.7, 1973 | 14下 |
Monetary and Economic Studies | Current Issue | C-5 |
Monkey business: New Writing From Japan | v.1, 2011-v.7, 2017 | 11下 |
Monumenta Nipponica: Studies in Japanese Culture | v.1, 1938- | Office, 2下 |
*Museum ミュージアム |
1 year | B-3, B下 |
N | ||
*Nanzan Shukyo Bunka Kenkyujo Kenkyujoho 南山宗教文化研究所 研究所報 |
5 years | E-5 |
National Diet Library Newsletter (available at: http://www.ndl.go.jp/en/publication/ndl_newsletter/index.html) |
no.73-no.106 | Office |
*National Geographic | 2 years | J-4 |
National Theatre of Japan | 1967-1996 | 11下 |
NCC Newsletter | iss.19, 2006-iss.21, 2008 | Office |
NCC Shukyo Kenkyujo Nyusu NCC宗教研究所ニュース |
Current Issue | A-3 |
*New Yorker | 1 year | J-3 |
News from EurAsia ユーラシア文化館ニュース |
Current Issue | A-2 |
Newsletter of Research on Japanese Politics (title changed to: Japan Political Research) |
v.13, 1982-v.18, 1987 | I-2 |
NFAJ Newsletter NFAJニューズレター |
Current Issue | B-7 |
NHK Hoso Bunka Kenkyujo Nenpo: Hoso Kenkyu to Chosa NHK放送文化研究所年報: 放送研究と調査 |
Current Issue | C-5 |
*Nicchu Bunka Koryu 日中文化交流 |
1 year | A-3 |
Nichibunken 日文研 |
no.1, 1988- | E-1, 28 |
Nichi-Futsu Bunka 日仏文化 |
Current Issue | E-4 |
Nihon Kenkyu (International Research Center for Japanese Studies) 日本研究 |
Current Issue | E-3 |
Nihon no Sanko Tosho Shiki-ban 日本の参考図書 四季版 |
no.182, 2011- | Office |
NIRA Report | no.1, 1984-v-3 no.1, 1986 | 9下 |
NIRA Research Output | v.1 no.1, 1988-v.17 no.2, 2004 | Office |
NIRA Review | Win.,1993-Win., 2001 | Office |
Nouvelles (日仏会館・日仏協会通信) | Current Issue | A-2 |
NWEC Newsletter (available at: https://www.nwec.go.jp/about/pr/newsletter.html) |
v.2 no.2, 1985-v.23 no.1, 2006 | E下 |
O | ||
OAG Notizen | Current Issue | A-1 |
*Occasional Papers | 1 year | D-4 |
*ONBEAT: Bilingual Quarterly for Art and Culture from the Edge of the East | 1 year | B-4 |
Orient/West (formerly: Today’s Japan) |
v.6 no.1, 1961-v.12 no.2, 1967 | 19 |
Orientations | v.46 no.6, 2015- | B-5, 22 |
P | ||
Pacific Affairs | v.26, 1953- | F-3, D上, E上 |
Pacific and American Studies アメリカ太平洋研究 |
Current Issue | C-4 |
*Pacific Business and Industries, RIM | 3 years | C-8 |
Pacific Community: An Asian Quarterly Review | v.1 no.3, 1970-v.8 no.4, 1977 | 5下 |
Pacific Review | v.1, 1988- | F-3, G下, J上 |
Peace Culture: Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation | v.1 no.48, 2002- | A-4 |
Peace Research in Japan | 1973, 1976, 1977-78, 1981-84 | 7下 |
Peace Studies Bulletin (formerly: Peace Studies Newsletter) |
no.20, 2001 | C下 |
Peace Studies Newsletter (title changed to: Peace Studies Bulletin) |
no.4, 1984-no.19, 2000 | C下 |
Poetry Kanto ポエトリ関東 |
no.5, 1988-no.28, 2012 | I-4 |
Poetry Nippon | no.1, 1967-no.103, 1993; no.2, 2001-no.9, 2008; no.1, 2010-no.2, 2011 | I-4 |
Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique | v.4, no.2, 1996-v.32 no.4, 2024 | H-1, H上 |
Process Architecture | 80-125(日本関係のみ) | 24 |
R | ||
Reeds | v.2, 1956-v.18, 1988 | Office |
Research Bulletin of the National Institute for Educational Research | no.1, 1959-no.10 1971: no.25, 1987-no.28, 1997 | 7上 |
Research Papers in East Asian Studies | no.1, 1993-no.2, 1994 | H上 |
Resource Material Series (UNAFEI) | no.1, 1971-no.30, 1986 | 13下 |
*Review of Asian and Pacific Studies アジア太平洋研究 |
3 years | G-4 |
Review of Japanese Culture and Society | v.1, 1986-v.27, 2015 | Office |
Review of Population & Social Policy (formerly: Review of Social Policy) |
no.7, 1998-no.10, 2001 | I-3 |
Review of Social Policy (title changed to: Review of Population & Social Policy) |
no.1, 1992-no.6, 1997 | I-3 |
Review: a Journal for the Study of Communism and Communist Countries in Japan | no.1, 1964-no.44, 1977 | 7下 |
S | ||
Santori Bijutsukan Nyusu サントリー美術館ニュース |
Current Issue | A-6 |
Science & Technology in Japan | v.1 no.2, 1982-v.24 no.96, 2005 | Office |
Security Studies = 安全保障研究 | 2 years | C-2 |
Seien 青淵 |
Current Issue | A-1 |
Seikatsu Bunka Kenkyujo Nenpo 生活文化研究所年報 |
no.19, 2006-no.30, 2016 | B下 |
*Sekai 世界 |
1 year | J-1 |
Sekai no Nihon Kenkyu 世界の日本研究 |
no.1, 1990-no.6, 1994 | 29 |
Senmon Toshokan 専門図書館 |
3 years | Office |
Sengokuyama Bukkyogaku Ronshu 仙石山仏教学論集 |
Current Issue | D-2 |
Senri Ethnological Studies | no.18, 1986- | B-4, 16下 |
*Shakkei: the Journal of the Japanese Garden Society | 10 years | B-3 |
*Shibusawa Kenkyu 渋沢研究 |
5 years | C-1 |
*Shin Kenchiku 新建築 |
1 year | E下, 24 |
Shosai no Mado 書斎の窓 |
Current Issue | A-1 |
Sino-Japanese Studies | v.1, 1988-v.15, 2003 | D-6 |
Social Science Abstracts (Univ. of Tokyo) (title changed to: Annals of the Institute of Social Science) |
no.1, 1953-no.9, 1965 | 29 |
Social Science Japan | no.1, July 1994-no. 60, 2019 | I-2 |
Social Science Japan Journal (formerly: Annals of the Institute of Social Science) |
v.1, no.1, 1998-v.23 no.2, 2020 | I-2 |
Speaking of Japan | 1982-1990 | 21 |
Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies | v.3, 1991-v.17, 2007 | H-2 |
Summaries of Selected Japanese Magazines (title changed to: Japanese Magazine Review) |
1963-1972, 1974-1993 | 25 |
T | ||
*Taiwan Review (formerly: Taipei Review) |
1 year | H-1 |
Tenri Journal of Religion | no.6, 1964-no.12, 1975 | 29 |
*Time | 1 year | J-2 |
Today’s Japan (title changed to: Orient / West) |
v.2 no.6, 1957-v.5 no.12, 1960 | 19 |
Toho Gakkaiho 東方學会報 |
Current Issue | A-5 |
*Toho-gaku 東方学 |
2 years | D-1 |
Tokyo Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan Nyusu 東京国立博物館ニュース |
Current Issue | A-6 |
Tokyo Metropolitan News (formerly: Tokyo Municipal News) |
v.41 no.3, 1991-v.51 no.3, 2002 | E下 |
Tokyo Municipal News (title changed to: Tokyo Metropolitan News) |
v.12 no.2, 1962-v.39 no.4, 1989 | E下 |
Tokyo-to Toshokan Kyokaiho 東京都図書館協会報 |
3 years | Office |
Tosho 図書 |
Current Issue | A-1 |
Toshyokan Zasshi 図書館雑誌 |
2 years | Office |
Toyota Zaidan Nenji Hokokusho トヨタ財団年次報告書 |
Current Issue | A-5 |
Traditions | v.1, 1976-v.4, 1981 | 13下 |
*Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies = 國際東方學者會議紀要 | 5 years | D-1 |
Translation Series | no.1, 1959-no. 56, 1962 | 8上 |
U | ||
Understanding Japan | no.1, 1960-no.81, 1997 | 6下 |
UniJapan Film Quarterly | no.1, 1958-no.49, 1970 | 12下 |
U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal: English Supplement | no.1, 1991-no.54, 2018 | 29 |
V | ||
Virginia Review of Asian Studies | v.1, 1999-v.11, 2008 | H-4 |
W | ||
Waseda Journal of Asian Studies | v.1, 1979-v.25, 2004 | 29 |
Waseda Political Studies | v.27, 1995-v.35, 2003 | 20 |
*Wittenberg University East Asian Studies Journal | 3 years | H-4 |
*Wochi Kochi 遠近 (formerly: Kokusai Koryu) (available at: https://www.wochikochi.jp/pdf/) |
v.9, 2006-v.32, 2009 | B下 |
Women’s Asia 21: Voices from Japan | no.1, 1995-no.36, 2022 | E-4 |
Y | ||
Young East: A Quarterly Bulletin on Buddhism and Japanese Culture: New Series (formerly: Young East: Japanese Buddhist Quarterly) |
v.1, 1975-v.11-3, 1985 | 19 |
Young East: Japanese Buddhist Quarterly (title changed to: Young East: A Quarterly Bulletin on Buddhism and Japanese Culture: New Series) |
v.2 no.8, 1953-v.15 no.6, 1966 | 19 |
Z | ||
Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht | no.1, 1996- | I-3, J上 |